Good To Know
On a construction site the supervisor has many responsibilities. After all he takes the role of executive manager, there to lead the workers and project. However, these responsibilities are often neglected, as many supervisors choose to follow a much easier strategy: Present an offer, somehow finish the task at hand with some worker friends and then quickly cash in the money.
But this isn’t the overall process, that should be considered. Many aspects are influenced by correct planning, calculations, scheduling and leadership qualities. One should not forget, to observe both details and cleanliness on a construction site. Many supervisors are simply overstrained by monitoring too many projects at once, while loosing site of the details and hence, quality.
The budget is then uncontrolled and quickly depleted and the work progress no longer correlates with the defined schedule. Many supervisors will then attempt to invest their own time on construction, leading to other sites run uncontrolled. This in turn leads to the supervisor taken on less construction sites, which earns him less money and disallows them to pay good workers. Many construction teams have experienced similar situations. We also experienced many different workers, until we chose those colleagues, that share our work ethics and wish to deliver good quality to our customers.
It is important to us, to listen, learn and grow from experience. For example, we ensure using self created checklists, that organization and detailed controls are kept up throughout the renovation.

Through special management programs we control systematically all stages on a construction site. Through these permanent checks on a construction site, we identify details, which are in essential for quality results.
By these means we attempt to present our customers with the best possible results on our market. Additionally, we school our team of craftsmen continuously to work cleanly and responsibly.
Our workers should never expect, that other processes, such as the cleanliness on the construction site, is of no concern to them – or should the customer miss a fault, the worker should never hesitate to raise attention to it. All this is crucial to the overall quality of work. Many customers are not able to visit the site on a weekly basis to monitor the progress. Therefore our photo reports are an advantage to the customer. With all these measures, we attempt to improve the construction industry, so our customers can enjoy their freshly renovated properties for a long time.
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